Sunday, February 26, 2012

February 26, 2012

It is Sunday and time to go to church, to celebrate with our family at J.L.Zwane church. We would like to share a prayer from Archbishop Desmond Tutu,

"Oh God, all holy one
You are our Mother and our Father
And we are your children
Open our eyes and our hearts
So that we may be able to discern Your work
Help us to know that You have created us
Members of the same family
Your family...the human family
May we know war no more
As we strive to be what you want us to be:
Your children

Today was the J.L. Zwane fundraising Sunday, a once a year event where "zones" (neighborhoods) celebrate their year long efforts in raising money for their church community and outreach programs. When you consider the day to day struggles of this community to simply survive, their passion to share their money with their church is truly amazing.

We are happy to see the ongoing outreach with the HIV support groups. Arm in Arm in Africa continues to support this faith community's dedication to those that they identify as living in the shadows of society.

Reverend James Cassidy led a prayer and a blessing at the close of today's service. We are all reminded in the words of Nelson Mandela that forgiveness is necessary in many circumstances in order to move forward in life. We are all aware of the advancing years and declining health of the former president, and need to be reminded that each of us, as individuals are called to a life of reconciliation.

Members of our delegation toured Robben Island today. This is the prison where Mandela was released from being a political prisoner after 26 years.

We close with a quote from Nelson Mandela, "I pay tribute to the mothers and wives and sisters of our nation. You are the rock-hardcore foundation of our struggle."

Monday morning we leave for a two day trip to the Eastern Cape and our family in Malugeni.

Thank you for your continuted support and prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Was happy to hear on the news that Mr. Mandela was released from the hospital.

    I have been sharing printouts of the daily blog with our 88 year old mother. She is very interested in the group's activities and pictures.

    The people described in the blog remind me of the importance of individuals; particularly family, the life force energy of reconcilliation, and daily blessings.
